Design Review and Permitting Program
Design Review and Permitting Program
The Navajo Nation Environmental Protection Agency Public
Water System Supervision Program developed the Public
Water Systems Design Review and Permitting Program. As
required by USEPA, the PWSSP has drafted new
construction permits, minimum design regulations and
operating permit regulations. These proposals regulations
can be found at our Act & Regulations page.
All proposed new public water systems and proposed
extension/modifications to existing public water systems
will need to obtain a construction permit from the PWSSP
before starting construction. The systems will have to
submit a construction permit application along with project
construction plans and reports, specifications at least 45
days ahead of the expected date of construction.
The fees associated with the construction permit must be paid with the application. After construction is completed, the project engineer
must request the PWSSP for an approval of the construction and provide as-built plans, test results, and other pertinent data. Once the
approval to construct is obtained, the owner/operator will need to apply for an operating permit. The operating permit must be renewed
every three years. Also, all existing water systems will have to obtain the operating permit.
Construction Permits
The NNPDWR §1660 Construction Permit regulations requires that all new proposed
projects for drinking water facilities to be permitted by the PWSSP includes, but not limited to,
extension to existing systems, new wells, renovations to the well, water storage tank or
distribution, and other projects affecting drinking water.
NNSDWA §501 authorizes the Executive Director of the NNEPA to develop regulations
regarding to design/review. "No new or substantially modified public water system shall be
authorized to begin construction or operation within the jurisdiction of the Navajo Nation until
such time as the Director has reviewed the proposed design of such facility to ensure that it
is capable of compliance with the application minimum construction guidelines for public
water systems."
Construction Forms
Application for Approval to Construction Drinking Water Facilities
Fee Schedule for Construction Permit Construction Completion
Report Permit Extension Request
Operating Permits
Operating permits for each public water system will be required.
These permits will be renewed every three years. These permits
are based on numbers of connection to the public water system.
A. Groundwater systems, number of connections
Fewer than 25
B. Groundwater under the direct influence of surface water (GWUDI) or springs. 1.5 times the fee for a similar size groundwater system.
C. Surface Water - two times the fee for a similar size groundwater systems.
2. Non-transient, Non-community water system — same as a community water system
3. Transient, Non-community water system — $50
4. Consecutive — $50
These regulations are supported by §501 of the Navajo Nation Safe Drinking Water Act
1. Community Water Systems
Operating Forms
Application for Operating Permit Fee Schedule for Operating
Permit Form (Effective April 2004)