Public Water Systems and Their Categories
Community Water System (CWS) a public water system which serves at least 15 service connections used by year-round residents or
regularly serves at least 25 year-round residents.
Non-Transient, Non-Community Water Systems (NTNCWS) a public water systems that is not a "community water system: and that
regularly serves at least 25 of the same persons for more than 6 months per year, including but not limited to schools, factories, and
public buildings.
Transient, Non-Community Water System (TNCWS) a public water systems that is neither a "community water system" nor a
"non-transient non-community water system," including but limited to seasonal facilities such as children's camps or recreational
camping areas; and year-round facilities that serve more than 25 persons who are not residents thereof, such as a gasoline service
stations, marinas, rest areas and restaurants that are not served by a community water system. These systems are required to sample
bacteriological quality on a quarterly basis and for nitrate/nitrite annually.
Consecutive Public Water System a public water systems that purchase water from a primary purveyor. This type of water system
typically purchases water pumps the water into their own storage tanks and distributes the water through their own pipes (i.e., schools,
stores, etc.) These systems are required to monitor for bacteriological quality on a monthly basis, lead/copper, and asbestos (if
asbestos-cement (AC) pipes is used in the distribution).
Public Water Systems (PWS)
Number of Water Systems by Owners
No of Systems
Navajo Tribal Utility Authority
Schools, BIA
Companies, Businesses (Burnham Junction Mustang, Transwestern Pipeline Company, Antelope Point Marina)
Schools, Public (Ganado Public School, Gallup-McKinley County Schools, Monument Valley (UT) High School
Schools, Grant
Tribal, Government (Navajo Parks & Recreation)
Tribal, chapters
Tribal Utility (Ramah Navajo Utility Authority)
Institutions, Health (Ganado Sage Memorial Hospital, Monument Valley Mission Hospital)
Federal Government (National Park Service)
Schools, Private (Saint Michaels Indian School
Grand Total of Public Water System
Breakdown of PWS's within the Navajo Jurisdiction
Sanitary Survey Inspections
PWSSP conducts 40-50 on-site sanitary survey inspections per year depending on conditions of the water system. PWSSP conducts
inspections of all public water systems under the jurisdiction of the Navajo Nation. These inspections are conducted to evaluate the
adequate the adequacy of the source, facilities, equipment, operation and maintenance for producing and distributing safe drinking water.
Enforcement Inspections
Enforcement inspections are conducted by U.S. EPA, Region XI or
they contract consultants to conduct these special inspections on
systems that Navajo PWSSP has no jurisdiction to regulate the
water system.
Follow-up Inspections
Follow-up inspections are conducted from 6 months to a year
depending on the condition of the PWS and their compliance
status. Groundwater systems are conducted on a 2-5 year basis
depending on the condition of the PWS. Surface water and
Groundwater Under the Direct Influence (GWUDI) of Surface Water
inspections are conducted on an annual basis.
Abandoned Water Sources
Many abandoned wells are frequently encountered during
scheduled water inspections. The PWSSP is currently working with
the Department of Water Resources to ensure the proper
abandonment of these types of wells. In the interim, PWSSP
recommends that these wells be welded with a cap.
These types of wells pose a threat to the overall quality of an aquifer. These wells are not typically covered or protected from any potential
threat of contamination.